St. Pauls, NC Government
Town Administration
On behalf of the town staff it is our pleasure to welcome you to the Town of St. Pauls' website. You will find valuable information about our town and the services we provide. For decades St. Pauls was known as the textile center of Robeson County, North Carolina. Today our town is positioning itself to become a '21st Century Mayberry." St. Pauls blends the charm and friendliness of small town living with a thriving downtown, attractive commercial and industrial zoned property, competitive tax and utility rates, and access to major federal and state highways. Please feel free to contact us with any question or comments you have. We look forward to hearing from you soon. The Town Administrator is appointed by the Board of Commissioners and serves as administrative head of Town government. The Town Administrator is responsible for the operation of all Town departments and executes Board policy. In addition to the Administrator's duties of providing leadership, direction and guidance to all the departments, he is also responsible for preparing the annual operating budget for the Town.